Counseling, advocacy, and support groups for adults who have experienced sexual assault or childhood sexual abuse.
Parents and Caregivers
Information to support a child who has been sexually abused.
Share your time, talents, or resources.
Community Partners
Education, training and outreach to build awareness and prevent violence.
MOCSA’s Mission & Vision
MOCSA’s mission is to improve the lives of those impacted by sexual abuse and assault and to prevent sexual violence in our community. Together we can create a community free from sexual assault and abuse.
Where Do We Serve?
MOCSA’s service area includes six counties in the bi-state Kansas City metropolitan area: Jackson, Platte, Clay, and Cass Counties in Missouri, and Johnson and Wyandotte Counties in Kansas.
MOCSA’s education programs for elementary, middle and high school students are available in more than 30 school districts throughout our service area.

Who Do We Serve?
- All gender identities
- All ethnic/racial identities
- All sexual orientations
- All religious backgrounds
- People with disabilities
- Survivors who have reported
- Survivors who have not reported
- Survivors who have been assaulted recently
- Survivors who were assaulted a long time ago
- Survivors who experienced childhood sexual abuse
- Survivors who have had therapy before
- Survivors who have never had therapy
- Family members of survivors of sexual violence