The Legacy of MOCSA

In 2025, we honor five decades of service to the Kansas City community with pride and gratitude. This video series shares powerful stories from founders, key leaders, survivors, staff, community partners, volunteers, and advocates—each playing a vital role in the movement to end sexual violence. Check back monthly for new videos as we reflect on our history, celebrate our progress, and look ahead to the future.
What was it like before MOCSA?
Palle Rilinger, MOCSA Executive Director 1984-2011
Susan Stanton, MOCSA Board Member 2008-2014
Don Munsterman, MOCSA Founder, Kansas City Police Department Captain Retired
Gary Howell, Kansas City Police Crime Laboratory Director Retired
Julie Donelon, MOCSA President & CEO 2012-current
Dr. Linda Moore, MOCSA Founder, Psychologist, Former Assistant Director of UMKC Counseling
What changed when MOCSA got started?
Founders and influential leaders reflect on MOCSA’s transformative impact in the beginning. These stories highlight the power of support, advocacy, and change in the fight for justice and healing.
Don Munsterman, MOCSA Founder and Former Board Member, Kansas City Police Department Captain Retired
Susan Stanton, MOCSA Board Member 1978-1990 & 2008-2014
Dr. Michael Weaver, MOCSA Board Member, Retired Medical Director of Forensic Care Services at Saint Luke’s Health System
Jaylynn Fortney, Retired Jackson County Prosecutor
Dr. Linda Moore, MOCSA Founder, Psychologist, Former Assistant Director of UMKC Counseling