Community-level Prevention

Facilitating two Sexual Assault Prevention Coalitions in Kansas. 

Wyandotte County Coalition (WyCo-SAP)


Wyandotte County Sexual Assault Prevention Coalition (WyCo-SAP) has been working in Wyandotte County, Kansas since 2004. In 2017, MOCSA and WyCo-SAP joined the Wyandotte County Health Department’s CHIP (Community Health Improvement Plan) as lead agency for the plan’s violence prevention focus area.

Community Health Improvement Plan – Unified Government of Wyandotte County and Kansas City (

MOCSA works with The University of Kansas and community partner ThrYve to implement the CHIP violence prevention strategies.

  • CPTED – Coordinate efforts among residents, community organizations, and agencies within the Unified Government of Wyandotte County (UG) to educate and implement environmental-base violence prevention strategies in Wyandotte County neighborhoods using the Community by Design Toolkit in English or Spanish.
  • Positive Norms Campaign – Develop a positive norms change campaign designed to reduce community violence. What is the Science of the Positive? — The Montana Institute
  • Youth Engagement – Support youth-led community advisory board to engage youth in community development and prevention strategies
  • Individual Level – Implement individual-level response and interventions for survivors of interpersonal violence and those at risk of perpetration of violence

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